Apply now!

The program starts on the 25th of Jan. at 16:00 online, and will consist of 1h sessions on Tuesdays (information + tips for the week) and Thursdays (more interactive sesh). Using 5-10 hours every week to build your side quest will make you progress well!

To send you updates on your application.

We don't care about the idea or how 'polished' it is - we're just curious to hear what you have in mind. The idea can be to launch an iOS stretching app, recording a rap album, starting a milkshake cart, or doing something to make your parents happy.

If a video can say more than any written text could, record us a video (like 30secs) and tell us about yourself. Upload it to YouTube/Vimeo/Drive and share the link with us!

After the batch we are having IRL event(s) + we'd like to know where our builders are!